
Monday 21 April 2014

4 sexual partners who will probably end up cheating on you

There are signs that men can exhibit in bed that may give you a glimpse into whether they are going to be someone who cheats on your or not. They are not overly obvious signs but they are little cues that could tell you that you are with someone who may stray.

A study was conducted at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, which asked 123 couples that were married about narcissism in the bedroom. They would survey they every six months for the first four years of their marriage and found that a person was more likely to cheat within those first four years if they displayed traits of sexual narcissism. Here are the four biggest indicators:

1. Missing sexual empathy:

Partners who don’t seem to care about what their partner wants or needs in bed is an example of sexual empathy. They are usually the ones that do not think twice about getting 0ral sex but refuse to reciprocate. They often finish and then do not care if their partner is satisfied or not. Once they are done, they are done.

2. Entitlement:

This partner is the one who believes that even if you are not in the mood and they are things are still going to happen. They think that they should get it whenever they want whether their partner wants to or not.

3. Arrogance of skills:

When a partner thinks that they are God’s gift to everyone in bed they may be someone who wants to exploit that to other people, not just their partner.

4. Sexual exploitation:

When a partner thinks that they can make you do whatever they want in bed, this is displaying a narcissistic s*xual trait. They think that they can manipulate you into doing anything that they want.